Friday, June 20, 2008

Carbonell Confirms He Will Be Returning

Thanks to The ODI and DarkUFO for confirming the spoiler i posted earlier.

"Latino Review has an interview with our favorite Dorian Gray himself, Nestor Carbonell aka Richard Alpert. In the interview, Nestor is asked what he has lined up, and he states, "I'm working on 'Lost' so I will be returning to that in August." So, fellow Losties, it would seem that, since production on Season 5 begins in August, our man may just be promoted to series regular (fingers crossed).

LatinoReview: What do you have coming up next after this?

Carbonell: I'm working on 'Lost' so I will be returning to that in August. I'm also current working, coincidently, on the Batman cartoon. This is called 'Batman: The Brave and the Bold'. It's the next Warner Brothers version of Batman, the cartoon."

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